(We help clients to make applications for design registrations, legal opinions of design infringements and manage litigation)
Informing yourself on what is a design and knowing how to protect it in the simplest way possible is important in order to give vitality to your company on a more and more high-performance market.
Nonetheless, only a few people are active in protecting the forms and shapes of the product or its presentation, simply because they do not know that the design is a company asset: performing, prestigious and durable.
Indeed, the design can be subject to evaluation just like a trademark and its right of exclusive duration (if registered) is equivalent to any other company source of income.
The design is an intangible asset that can be given in license in exchange of a royalty, just like a trademark
For example, Beautiful Company S.r.l., to acquire an advantage on the market, could have taken into license the registered design made by the designer Giò ROSSI of a famous chair, in order to produce it and sell it, in exchange of a periodic sum of money (royalty)
If you want to know if your design can be registered or given into license,
The design draws attention and evokes positive sensations in the mind of a potential buyer.
If you are an entrepreneur worth of this name, DO NOT WAIT ANYMORE, give the right attention to the design at the right moment, or you will only obtain a company asset worth ZERO.
So, it is important that you know how to behave in presence of a “creative” idea that regards the appearance of the product and make sure that it continues to produce value overtime.
This special characteristic can only be preserved through a well thought legal survey that protects you from objections.
For this, it is necessary to deeply know what a design is, and which are the hindrances that underlie an illusory survey.
If you have a design and you want to protect it or if you have already done it and you want to know if you worked well, so as to avoid unpleasant surprises,
Going deeply in the subject and continuing to read, you will realise by yourself how important it is to invest your money on something magical and protectable as the design.
This is exactly the reason why you must know what to do and what, on the contrary, should be avoided, so that you will not fall into the so-called boomerang effect.